USB AVR / AT89 ISP downloader / programmer ( K-125 )
Harga: 250.000
KR-125 USB-ISP Downloader for ATMEL (AVR & AT89S)
Item No. : UC01002021
1. Descriptions :
USB Atmel AVR Programmer / downloader designed for all kind of AVR ATMEL. This device can helpingwhile you programming AVR Microcontroler as easy as plug USB connector to your desktop PC/ notebook. Software (also from kit) can help you maximally to program AVR/AT89. So when and where ever you need to do programming AVR microcontroler you can shoose the best for you (compatible with Windows Xp/ Vista).
2. Spesification:
- Supporting HEX File Format (*.hex)
- Download via ISP for all AVR varians
- Also used as USB to serial (TTL)
- Compatible Operating System with Windows XP and Windows Vista
- Compatibel Software: AVRdude, AVR studio 4, AVR OSP II, Bascom-AVR IDE, CodeVision AVR 1.25., and AVRprog.
- No need external/ additional power supply
- Special features : kit present with additional jumper for get power supply from kit (+5V DC)
IC ATMEL AVR which compatible with this kit:
ATtiny12, ATtiny15, ATtiny2313 / ATtiny2313v, AT90S1200(A), AT90S2313, AT90S2323, AT90S2333, AT90S2 343, AT90S4414, AT90S4433, AT90S4434, AT90S8515, AT90S8535, ATmega16, ATmega32, ATmega64, ATmega83, ATmega103, ATmega161, ATmega163, ATmega603, ATmega128, ATmega8535, ATmega8 / ATmega8L, etc.
IC ATMEL AT89S which compatible with this kit:
1. AT89S53
2. AT89S8252
(only working with software AVRprog from Tools AVR studio 4)
You get from KR-125 USB ISP Downloader for AVR & AT89:
- 1ea KR-125 USB AVR-ISP downloader
- 1ea ISP Cable
- 1ea USB printer cable
- 3ea Bonus PCB (f. ATMEL type : ATmega16, ATmega168, ATmega32, ATmega48, ATmega8, ATmega88, ATmega8535, ATtiny2313)
- 1 CD driver (Bonus Software: CodeVision AVR 1.25.9 + AVR OSP II + AVR Studio 4 + MikroBasic AVR + MikroPascal AVR)
- 1ea 1 Manual Book